Tuesday, April 7, 2009
As the Jamaican government is preparing to table what promises to be one of the most difficult budgets in recent memory, Prime Minister Bruce Golding has pledged to take a 15 per cent pay cut and called on his colleague members of parliament to sacrifice 10 per cent of their salaries
The PM addressed in his address to the nation, reiterated that the Government had been forced to take tough decisions as it crafted the 2009-2010 Budget within the atmosphere of a global economic meltdown.
"Those of us who lead will have to lead by example" said Golding as he announced his decision to take a pay cut.
"This year, not only am I foregoing the seven per cent increase that would have been due on April 1, but I will be taking a 15 per cent cut in my salary and I ask all members of parliament to join in this symbolically important example by taking a 10 per cent cut in theirs."
It was reported that the members of parliament have agreed with the Prime Minister to take the 10 per cent pay cut as requested. Golding stressed that the only other option would have been to lay off thousands of workers at a time when alternative employment was difficult to find.