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Want to get married in Jamaica
If my boyfriend is Jamaican and I'm canadian if we get married in jamaica is the certificate recognize in Canada. What documents do I have to take with me??
By @ Canada
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
I am married to a Ja man for only 2yrs i ahve family in Ja but born in the USA.
my husban had his visa (Green card for a yr +) and he dont want to work. He chooses to work under the table when he doesnt have to and he said he doesnt want to work for white people. I cant take it anymore. How do I get out of this?
By Reberta @ USA
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
spousal sponsorship
I am a Jmaican living in canada i am a citizen, my husband and i met 4 years ago.we have been married 3 years, he is still in jamaica, because of an issue with a case. we got the police check done and something showed up. we have been trying to fix the problem, but the courts cannot find any paperwork pertaining to his case,,please help us, i need my husband with me, thanks you for your time.
By Suzanne @ Canada
Sunday, June 12, 2011
jamaican citizenship
i am british lady married to jamaican man for 35years and we want to live in jamaica but immicration only give me 3months stay how do i get passport so i can stay in jamaica for as long as i want to aND HOW MUCH IT WILL COST
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Annulment advice needed!
I'm from the Caribbean. Got married to my boyfriend in 2003 in the UK so we can be together. He's British. I came home for a visit a few months later and haven't seen or heard from him since. It's been 8 years. I'm in a new relationship and wish to get married to my new man. What do I have to do?
By Sheri Tenia @ Trinidad & Tobago
Friday, April 29, 2011
filing papers
my dad is filing for me from canada am in jamaica my medical is already done whats holding up the process'and what is the next step ofterthe medical
By julene morris @ jamaica
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
I sponsored my 31 year old unmarried daughter,i am currently not working ,so cannot show any tax returns,will this affect her getting a greencard,if i have a co sponsor?
By Rissa @ new york
Monday, April 4, 2011
i have a delivery business and i want my brother who is in jamaica to come and work with me how do i go about sponsering him to come to the states and work with me
By cooper @ odenton md
Sunday, March 6, 2011
i nned help
i am being filed for by my mom, i live in jamaica, but i have overstayed on my b1/b2 visa, how will this affect my filing process?, do i have 2 go back to jamaica for my papers? will i be denied my papers?
By sabrina @ ny
Friday, December 31, 2010
Me and my boyfriend met in canada and have been together for 3 years. He is from St Vincent but he overstayed his visit here in canada. immigration talk to him and they told him he had to go back to St Vincent for at least a 1 year until his papers get processed. its almost a year since he left , How much longer will it take and will he be back within a year as the immigration people said ?
By Linda @ Canada
Saturday, December 11, 2010
my father passed away with no will, he left a very large house in jamaica, i live in the UK. i have siblings in jamaica and we have decided we want to sell the building. how do we proceed?
By Al Case @ England, London
Sunday, December 5, 2010
I really need a lady to stay with throughout my life but I dont know how to go about i will be 33 by January 2nd 2011 her country never matter to me just someone who will give me chance to prove my in build love I can be reach through oliveheart@yahoo.com for more about me
By lambert hill @ gambia
Monday, November 1, 2010
Tourist, Fiance or Spouse Visa - Which is best
I am a Jamaican who has lived in America most of my life. I've been dating a guy who lives in Jamaica. He wants me to move to Jamaica and I want him to move to America, however, he's willing to come to America since I don't really want to leave. I can't decide which approach to take and need your advise.
1) Ideally I'd like for him to come here as a to come to America to see if he'd like living here before we go ahead with marriage. If he wouldn't be happy here it would take me quite a few years to get my obligations in order before moving to Jamaica, including getting through law school. But more importantly, I understand this is the hardest visa to get because you basically have to prove that you will go back to Jamaica.
2) I could file for him as my fiance and then marry him in 3 months when he gets to America. This is an expensive visa. I don't know how long this one takes though and while he's under investigation for this visa it's not like he can come to the states on a tourist visa, he just has to wait.
3) I could marry him in Jamaica and try to get him to the states. I think this is the most expensive, possibly the most reliable but if it is denied then he's probably not going to be able to get a tourist visa.
I can't figure out what to do. HELP! What method do you think is best?
Last question... Can my American pator marry us in Jamaica?
By Confused in Maryland @ USA, MD
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Well my sister is an American citizens she file for my mom,sister and me my mom got through and my sister got a letter saying am next I don't know what that mean does it mean ill get through soon or ill have to wait another couple of years?
By Jerine @ Jamaica
Saturday, September 11, 2010
can I adopt my girlfriends in Jamaica's son ?, if so how do I. And would it matter that I am disabled as I would also like to marry my girlfriend
By mark williams @ United Kingdom
Saturday, August 14, 2010
us citizenship
My fiance was brought to the us from canada when he was 11 years old. He is illieagle. We are getting married in just a few days. He came to the us at such a young age that he barely even remembers canada. How do i make him a us citizen without the danger of being sent back to canada
By Wynn Sawyers @ United States, Tennessee
Friday, July 16, 2010
i was marry in 2005 and take out my paasport in 2006 in my birth name what kind of charge can you get for this and all my document were take away how long would it takes for me to get a passport and would it affect me from getting a visa if i am charge what the charge may be
By kerry @ jamaica
Friday, June 4, 2010
Hi my fiance filed for a fiance visa it has been approved the thing is I'm 23 and he is 55 will they grant me a visa regardless I have everything to prove that our relationship is bonafide
By keisha @ jamaica
Thursday, April 29, 2010
My husband was deported to mexico and i came to mexico to marry him. we got married in march and my visa expired so i am going back next week to start the paper process. how long does it take for him to be able to come back to the united states legally. would it make a difference if i was pregnant? he never had a criminal record he just wanted to study and be with his family and work
By Chantele Castillo @ United States, Alabama
Thursday, April 22, 2010
us citizens married in Jamiaca need anullment
we are both us citizens and were married in Jamaica Aug 2009..he is cheating...i want an anullment or divorce...do i file in US or Jamaica or how does this work
By t p c @ United States, Texas
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Divorce my spouse overseas.
My husband resides in Guyana. He does not wish to join me in the USA. Can i divorce him through the Guyana Consulate in NYC.
Will i have to go to guyana to file a divorce?
By Ann @ USA, NEW Jersey
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Divorcing a Jamaican Citizen
I married a Jamiacan citizen in 2006 and I live in Canada. I have not seen him since that time as I found out he was just trying to get his papers to come to canada. I have no idea how to reach him to divorce him and lawyers him say he must be served or advertised in the newpaper for some time - which is VERY expensive. Is there another way? We have no property or children together - I just dont want to be married to him any longer. I have invested enough money in him and dont have thousands more for a divorce
By Teresa Hitchman @ Canada
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
i married a jamaican in jamaica i am british how do i get a divorce.can this be done from uk and how long will it take.i have one child she is with me in uk
By paul anderson @ england
Monday, March 15, 2010
fiancee visa
will it be eaiser for my fiancee to get his visa if we were married in jamacia he has a pass port only to travel to surrouding islands not to us i live in texas
By barbara cox @ usa texas
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Divorcing a Jamaican
I am a US citzen and married to a man in Jamaica. We have been married for 2 years and have no children together nor do we own any property together. We have both desided that we want a divorce. How do we go about doing this.
By Cheryl Richards @ Virginia, USA
Thursday, March 4, 2010
citizen ship
A Jamaican who holds a visiting visa enters the USA gave birth. Is the child now an American citizen that holds an american passport.
By selassie Robinson @ jamaica
Saturday, February 27, 2010
international divorce
my boyfriend is a jamaican and he married a usa citizen and they are seperated and because of that he was deported back to jamaica and he didnt have any crimes while he was in the u.s. but now he wants a divorce from her so he can marry me, how does he do that?
By Jacqueline @ U.S.A. arizona
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
My husband and I recently got married Nov 23, 2009. We been together for six yrs and have a one year old daughter. I'm from the US, and he's from Jamaica, he has over satyed his VISA. How do we go about gettin him a new one? He already applied for a work permit and was denied. Times are hard, and it's hard taking care of my daughter when I'm the only one with a job. His ID is expired and nothing can be done until he prove his immigration status. Please Help
By Hope C. @ USA, Indiana
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Me and my boyfriend have been together for a little over a year now, we have a son who's 1month ina half. I'm from US and he's from El Salvador. And has been in the US about 4-5 years. We want to get married but he says he has deportation orders, he has a valid passport here in the US. If we was to go to court and get married will he get deported to his country????
By ivy l @ USA, texas
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Friday, January 29, 2010
My friend girl is in jamaica but he wants to marry her can he go to jamaica and bring her to embassy there and get a visa to come back here and get married?
By stacy @ riverdale GA
Monday, January 11, 2010
was a us resident left when i was 17 not by choice.now 27 and want to get it back is it possible. i am a Jamaican but am not living there at the moment. all in short.
By @
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
A couple married in Jamacai and separated.
How do they get a divorce? Can the one in the California ,start the process or is the divorce only legal if in the country the marriage took place?
By Shelley Deleon @ US, California
Monday, December 28, 2009
im getting married soon to a us citizen but he has been arrested a few times in the past...i wanna know would it affect me in anyway when hes ready to file for me
By concerned @ brkyn ny
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Want to Adopt my cousin
Hello, my husband and I are US citizens through birth. We want to adopt my 7 year old cousin who is in an orphanage in Dominican Republic. The requirements for adoption in Dominican Republic states that you must live with the child in Dominican Republic for 60 days. Is there any way that I can adopt her without living in Dominican Republic for 60 days? Can she live in the US for a number of days before adoption instead of us going to Dominican Republic?
By Amarilis Holmes @ USA, Teaneck
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Jamaican husband denied renewal of VISA
recently my Jamaican husband went to renew his VISA, he's never had any problems, ever been in any trouble with the law, has always had a good job etc. Upon filling out the paper work,one of the questions asked was "had any of his information changed" he answered yes, and that he had gotten married on his last visit to the U.S. The woman then asked if he was planning on living with his new wife, he said "well yes eventually" so she said ok, then Im going to deny your renewal, you may go for a visit and never come back.. How is this legal or fair? So, now he's not allowed to ever visit me or his other family in the U.S.? He's been traveling here for 10 yrs. It just seems to me as though the woman at the American Consolate in Jamaica, made a decision based on her personal opinion not on a legal one. She said now the only way he can see me, is after I file all the petition papers to have him brought here permanantly, but we dont even know for sure if he's moving here or if Im going to move to Jamaica for a while. So why should we be kept apart, doesnt make since to me, your advice please?? Thanks so much
By Diane Campbell @ Woodward, Ok
Monday, November 16, 2009
My fiance filed for a divorce from his spouse in jamaica in August 08. He was told that the procedure should go through within six months to one year. His spouse is not petitioning anything. We are due to be married on December of this year however he did not receive his first decree yet. Im in Canada. Is there anyting we can do to speed up the process or what can hold up this problem. Thank you.
By DEB @ Canada
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
re-application for us visa
One of my friends who is a us citizen got married to a Jamaican.When they went for the interview her husband was denied the visa. The American Embassy in Jamaica did not give a written report as to why the visa was denied.They only sent back her husband documents such as passport and birth certificate and nothing else. She would like to know where in Jamaica she can make an appeal.
By Upert Davis @ Jamaica
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
mentally harassement
my sister is married in USA. she is dependent on her husband. he is indian he keep harassing my sister i am living in india what step should my sister take she is totally unaware about the US law .my brother in law is on HB1 visa in USA
By gauravindra sharma @ india
Monday, October 19, 2009
1.what are the qualifications of one to become a senate in the USA?
2.what are the conditions for one to visit the USA?
3.what can we do to eradicate this issue of corruption in the world?
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
How to get my bf to the US
I have been a permanent resident for 2 years...my bf lives in another country, e comes to visit the US very often with a visitor visa. I would like him to stay here...how is this possibles?
thank you
By Sue @ USa, Fl
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Misademenaor and work visa in jamaica
Hi , I am a indian citizen and a medical graduate, came to usa in aug 2007 for higher studies.on march 16 2009 i have been charged misdemeanor and have probation till march 16 2011.
I got a job offer to work as a physician in jamaican hospital.so can you please tell me do i have problem in getting visa because of my charges here in usa.
By lakshmi @ usa kentucky
Sunday, September 20, 2009
legally marrying
i was wondering if my fiance is from Dominican Republic but has been here in the United States with a visa for 5 years does he have to go back to his country so he can legally marry me?
By Rosa Depaz @ United States, North Carolina
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
sticky situation
hi guys, i just needed a quick advice on a family members immigration situation. He is a 20 yr old male residing in florida and came from Jamaica, he came over on a work program, ran-off, and eventually ended up overstaying his time. he did not want to return to jamaica, because he was informed he would have a hard time traveling to the states again. In turn he was made an offer by another jamaican woman/ now us- citizen ( nearly 30 years older than him) who tricked him into a "no-stirngs attached marriage" meaning she didn't want sex, money or anything from him just friendship. ( foolish as it seems) after marraige however he was blackmailed into sleeping with her among other tormentries. How can he get out of this marraige without jepoardizing his immigration filing and adjustments. Also since they've onlty been married 5 months, can he get it annulled? or should he go towards a divorce? please help mi to help him out of this sticky situation. also will it harm his chances if he was to move into a serious relationship with another girl?
By Shelly @ Baltimore, Md
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
hi Joan,
my question is my husband arrived from guyana in the us when he was 18 through sponsoship.his guardian who sponsored him is a us citizen.Is he entitled to citizenship or would he have to apply through the normal natualisation process? thnak you in advance for your reply.
By shania @ new york.usa.
Monday, August 24, 2009
first cousin - cousin marriage - jamaica, ny?
my cousin is in jamaica, male, i am here in ny, i would do a k-1 visa and of course follow thru with the marriage. is it legal? thank you.
By nyle @ new york
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Divore and custody
Im very unhappy with my american husband of 6 years and want to divorce him. We just recently had a son born in USA. I wanna move back to germany after the divorce, because all my family lives there. Can I take my Son?
By Nicole @ USA,Nevada
Monday, August 17, 2009
Overstayed on a b1/b2 visa, had a child in the U.S and want to take him to Jamaica.
my mother recently received her green card, and said she is going to file for me. (how long will that take?) I came to the U.S from jamaica, and have overstayed my b1/b2 visa. my son was born here in the U.S and i want to take him to Jamaica for vacation. ( what will the immigration officer say, will they take my child from me?)
By Shanelle @ from ja, now in brklyn
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
About 20years ago my husband came 2 the us thro the bahamas(he's jamaican.) he later claimed us citerzenshp to obtain a us passport, but was taken in2 custody n remained so for 5mnths. A deportation order was file against him then. An appeal was filed n denied, n now, 20years later, he got deported. I wil b a citerzen in a matter of months, how likely that i can get him back here? He has nt been in any other legal problems. We hv children n our lives has been complicated by ths, and i would just like to knw if i can b hopeful that he wil b able to return. Thx very much in advance.
By Nicole @ U.S.A, fl
Monday, July 27, 2009
My brother is a US Citizen and wants to marry his illegal Fiance from El Salvador. She has no passport or visa or anything but her birth certificate. They also have a daughter.
What can he do to marry her and not get her sent back to El Salvador? He doesn't want to seperate her from her daughter. What Can I do?
By LNR @ USA, New Jersey
Monday, July 27, 2009
Marring my Illegal Fiance!
I'm a US citizen living in New Jersey but my girlfriend is from El Salvador and she has been here illgeally for 5 years, We have a 7 month old daughter. What can I do to marry her? But if I married and go through immigration will they sent her back to El Salvador?
By JMS @ USA, New Jersey
Monday, July 27, 2009
i am living state but would like to file a devorce for my wife how is living in jamaica. how can i go about doing this file? jop o[ [lo][l
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By w. blake @ mary land usa
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
US VISA - Petition
Hi! My Aunt's petition for my dad was finally granted after waiting for 25 years. Question is, could he bring me (20yrs old) and my sister (22yrs old) with him already? Or does he need to file a separate petition for us? Thanks!!
By Bryll Paran @ Manila, Philippines
Saturday, June 20, 2009
visa information
hi all
i was just wondering if anybody can give me any information as to how long my step daughter has to wait for her visa.My husband and i filled in for a vistors visa for his daughter who is 17yrs and her baby who is 1yr it was turnrd down by theVO in jamaica.We took it to appeal on the 21st may 09 and we won the appeal, we was told to wait a further 5 days because the secratary of state has 5 days to appeal the immigration judges decision the 5 days have passed now so can anybody tell me how long it is going to take for the british high commision to call her up and give her the visa
thanks Bonita
By Bonita Ross @ united kingdom
Sunday, June 7, 2009
i need help
hi iam 18 years old i moved out my mom house but all my legal document such as my ssc and greencard and passport my mom have and refuse to give them back to me how do i go about gettin them back
By cindy @ brooklyn ny
Monday, May 18, 2009
H-4 Dependant Visa
I am in US on an H-1 visa and will soon take another teaching position with a US university. They have also offered me another H-1 visa. However, my son, who now lives in Canada (is Canadian), will join me on an H-4 to attend US high school. Can you tell me the correct procedure to get the school to apply for the H-4?
By Lana N @ Atlanta, GA
Monday, May 18, 2009
immigration papers
im here for a year as fiance,,1 month and a haft after our marriage my husband beat me,,i called the cops(domestic violence),,and we're no longer together because of that,,i dont know what to do,,our application for adjusting my status is still pending
By eve @ Las Vegas ,NV
Sunday, May 17, 2009
In Need of an Answer
I recently got a divorce and is now remarried. When I signed my marriage certificate, I was told by the marriage pastor that I had to sign my ex-husband's last name to show that I was divorced, even though I never legally took his last name. Now I have received my marriage certificate and it reads my full name and my ex-husband's last name. I want to start filing proceedings for my current husband, but fear that this is going to be a problem since I have no identification with my ex-husband's name on it. What can I do and will this be a problem?
By Nervous @ US, New York
Friday, May 15, 2009
could u get a green card if u had been convicted of a crime in your country and u are married to a us citizen? will i have trouble getting the green card now ,,i was charged a fine like 12 years ago didn't go jail.
By john @ st.vincent and the grenadines
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
i130 approve
my husband file the i-130 petion for me and my daughter who is 13, tits been approve and sent to jamaica, however i am in the process of coimg here to state, can i adjust my status here or i should stay in jamaica an wait for the paperwork to come thru there
By trecia @ Jamaica
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Go to Jamaica
Good day! I'm a US citizen and I filed for my jamaican husband who lives in Jamaica. He went to his appointment at the Embassy in Kingston and they told him I need to come there for an interview because we didnt have enough pictures, letters etc. We gave them phone records, western union slips, bank accounts with both our names on them.My question is arent they suppose to interview him by himself when he is in Jamaica. I travel to Jamaica alot but i am starting a new job on Monday. Do I really have to go there in order for my husband to come up here.
By Mrs Simpson @ USA, GA
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Permanent Resident Wants To Marry Overstayed Visa Holder
Hi, I'm A Permanent Resident In The U.S And Want To Marry My Boyfriend, But He Came To U.S in 2000 With A Tourist Visa and Hasn't Left The Country Since Than. What Can We Do? Should I Become A Citizen First, Will This Help? Or Will He Ger Deported and Banned From Coming To The US in 10 years?
By Tania @ USA, nevada
Saturday, April 18, 2009
hi i am a 26yrs of age an i have been here since i was 4 yrs of age my father is in jail an has been 4 21yrs now i have lived with my gran aunt 4 all them times my mother is still back home we dont have an relationship at all. I only have my birth paper an thats it i dont even know where 2 begin with anything an america is gettin very hard as the days go by can u tell me where 2 start
By reatitisa constantine @ usa,ny
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
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