Thursday, July 22, 2004
Inquiry continues in the unauthorized export of protected species from Guyana. Recently, The Board of the Wildlife Management Authority fired its secretary Khelawan Lall for authorizing exports of dolphins without proper permits. Also implicated in this scandal is presidential Advisor, Odinga Lumumba who also owns Mc Neal Enterprises, the company that shipped the dolphins without permits. Muzik Media learned 38 giant anteaters have also been shipped without proper permits. These animals sell for upwards of $10,000 US dollars each. Though there is no bar to their export, dolphin and anteater export requires a scientific study showing export will not be detrimental to their population.
The Opposition PNCR referred to the situation as a scam and said it would not be fooled by the firing of sacrificial scapegoats. They said this is an indication of the extent of corruption among political bosses.