Monday, May 22, 2006
An audit of security companies in the Cayman Islands has revealed rampant exploitation of guards responsible for the security of properties worth millions. Department of Employment Relations, (DER) has revealed.
A surge of requests to waive overtime pay and numerous complaints from employees, the Deprtment of Employment Relations became concerned about what was going on in the industry. 29 security firms were audited over a three-month period. Many companies are working their security guards 22 hours a day and frequently over 100 hours a week.
The average wage for a security guard was $5.62 per hour with one security guard earning as little as $3.33 per hour, said the Director of Employment Relations, Walling Whittaker.
Whittaker explained a company has to apply for an overtime waiver for each employee to get out of paying overtime wages. However, most security companies who have received a waiver appear to have applied for it with regard to all of their employees.