Tuesday, February 13, 2007
There is growing concern in Monsterrat over the latest fidings in the Soufriere Volcano. Scientists in the British Colony have informed the Emergency Policy Unit in the island that the dome at the Soufrire Hills Volcano is still growing on the Western side of the crater. They believe that the top of the dome now stands at 1,065 metres above sea level and contains some 250 million cubic metres of material. Computer models show that some 20 million cubic meters of material could collapse into Tyres Ghaut and Belham Valley, with further damage predicted for some of the current safe zones. Acting on this information, the Emergency Policy Unit has decided that further areas in the safe zone would need to be evacuated. Residents in the areas south of Bishop Lane and south of the roundabout at Old Town have been warned that they should prepare themselves for a possible short notice evacuation.