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Ladies, handle your own safety this Carnival

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Women playing mas or just jumping up this Carnival season in Trinidad and Tobago are warned they should not rely solely on band managers or leaders for their safety or security.
Assistant Police Superintendent Margaret Sampson-Brown was the one giving the advice. She said women should not depend on their external environment for their protection but need to rely on themselves.
President of the Rape Crisis Society Marcella Alcala also gave safety tips for the female reveller or party goer.
Before leaving for the event the society advised that you tell someone where you are going and what time you are expected back. They also advised that all transport to and from functions should be arranged before hand.
A study of reported rape cases to the society for 2004 showed no increase during the Carnival season.

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Very Brilliant Chris!!!
I wont say the answer, I am going to laugh until I Sh..... up muself today. You know that story to!!!
By Lincoln @ Canada/Gods Land 

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Righteous Man Fabo@Vinci
A good prayer was sent to you, but you return a bad one. You want to put me in the "Fire Furnace" thats ok because when you do, the father will send an Angel to get me out. I am still praying that the father will give you peace, wealth, love, hapiness and longlife. Remember Shadrack, Meashock and Abendego. <(The spelling might be wrong.)
By Lincoln @ Canada/Gods Land 

Thursday, March 16, 2006

A man went out to Milk his cow One Day
The Cow decide to act up that day,so he had to pull the cow head closer to the post(stake) he was tied on.
When he went to the side the cow,the cow kick at him with his front foot,so the man used the only piece of rope he had left to tie the front feet.
When he went to the back the cow kick again so the man took off his belt and tie the back foot of the cow.
He then proceed to hold the cow tail up,but his pants drop to his feet.
At the same time a friend came and saw him.
Can You tell me the Moral of this story Fabo ?

By Chris Williamson @ Portmore,Jamaica
Thursday, March 16, 2006

Fabo On a serious note
Tell me of the struggle of women in your country?
Stimulate my intelligence Let me not have all this stuff in my head radomly seeking place to go.
Stop attacking me its no fun,I have an appiontment to the Mental Doctor soon and I want to be in top shape so do not have me to take off my Belt a Give you a bad whipping.
and has a result I am going to give you some to have you thinking so look at my next blog.
By Chris Williamson @ Portmore,Jamaica
Thursday, March 16, 2006

I am a Bob Marley Student
Let me do it like I would on my sound system.
"Well crowd a People,We have a special request to all dem who a hide,play like dem a ginnal but we know we enemy different from we friend"
"This one is to dem heart,biggup Fabo cause this one is especially fe him"
bob marley song "Who the cap fits ,let dem wear throw me corn ,me no call no fowl"start to Play and then we start mix this one fe You fabo
"Some will Eat and drink with you then behind you them susu pon you"
Want some classic Fabo?,Me Know you no know the artiste of the Century
By Chris Williamson @ Portmore,Jamaica
Thursday, March 16, 2006

Fabo I know You ring those numbers
Well Fabo you are lost in these day and ages of communications.
I can have any area code I wish to have but maybe I should make you be aware that I am a computing and Electronis Major.So the next time you get a call,do not assume they are in america.
Let me tell everybody about the number that I ask you to Call.Its for a MENTAL HOSPITAL IN the State.They do Excelent Work On people Like You and I ,and yes I am talking from experience.Thats Why I had Recommend You also so we could be on the same wave.

Fabo,You make me want to laugh because I now know why you pick on me especially.
But for all those who what to see the Next Episode between Fabo stay tuned to this channel or a coming to a station near you.
Next Episode "Chris reveals Who Fabo is"
By Chris Williamson @ Portmore,Jamaica
Thursday, March 16, 2006

To those two Hypocrites Chris And Lincoln
I say before,go and listen to Volton Craiggie's song by His Deeds.You guys love to pray aloud and after you go and do wrong.Fire''hypocrites.
By Fabo @ From Vincy Country 

Thursday, March 16, 2006

To those two Hypercrits Chris And Lincoln
Chris- Are you the only person with a 314 area code living in Jamaica? The rest of the island has 876 as an area code.
Barbados has 246, Bahamas had 242, and St. Vincent has 784.
You're quoting from the bible and praying for me? Praying and lying don't work for me fools! Your like Pharisees! Jah will burn your fingers and lying tongues!You guys think that you can play with God.Chris you and Lincoln are hypercrits,I want you to listen Volton Craiggie or(VC) song By His Deeds.Saying your prayers aloud and after that you go and wrong.Jah Jah will bu'n fire pon yo.
By Fabo @ From Vincy Country 

Thursday, March 16, 2006

One other thing Fabo
Read my articles clearly before you come to any conclusion and please check if you have any of these symptoms:-
-Sadness or unexplained crying spells
-Inability to find pleasure in activities and hobbies you once enjoyed
-Difficulty concentrating, remembering and making decisions
-Feelings of guilt, worthlessness, helplessness and hopelessness
-Decreased appetite accompanied by weight loss or weight gain
-Irritability, anger, anxiety or excessive worrying
-Changes in sleep pattern
-Unexplained aches and pains
-Decreased energy and fatigue
-Thoughts of death or suicide
Keep the number above Fabo,you will need it
By Chris Williamson @ portmore,St.catherine
Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Fabo remember I will be waiting for your Call
please make a call now
By Chris Williamson @ portmore,St.catherine
Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Fabo Give Me a call at this number
314.839.3171 or toll-free 800.447.4301
We need to have a real chat and since you grossly misunderstood me,then you force me to announce.If possible call me now
By Chris Williamson @ portmore,St.catherine
Wednesday, March 15, 2006

To Fabo @ Vinci
First I would like to say thanks for responding! So what would you like me to write about? I promise that I will give my support on what you write once I see your screen name at the bottom.(I wont comment on the Diaper thing.)( Blessed are the peace Makers.) They shall be called the "Childrens"of God.
By Lincoln @ Canada/Gods Land 

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Chris and Lincoln!!
Still in Pampers?
It's time to crack the whip. You two sound so juvenile. You two are fakes and you need some sense slapped into you!

You want to start a war with women that you could never win! I like you guys but you make such stupid comments. They suck!!!

You seem to be trying to change through comments from positive informed people.

Try to contribute to humanity and see if can contribute something worthwhile. Stop beratting people and women especially!

If you were real men, you wouldn't need to make yourselves feel good by putting down women.

No man with a brain in his head is going to start a war with women.

By Fabo @ Vincy 

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

I don't believe your a white man, just a black man trying to cause shit. I sat down and gave it some thought and I believe you're racist against yourself, and probably rightly so, since you are so simple minded.

There's plenty of white on white crime so what the hell are you talking about.

How about Chinese on Chinese crime. Should I go on you moron! You want me too! Move yuh ass boy!! You a fake!

Cause shit somewhere else!
By Spotting the fakes! @ London, Ontario 

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

What is your age
Chris you sound like a youg man to me! are you?
By <<>> @ <<>> 

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Reality bigotry dead in the last century
Come on now really, we cannot fight with people in a time warp.
"Beam im up Scotty" we kneed Reality in this century.
Space,The final frontier
I am getting old,first time in carnial,I could take a lot of wine,Now I am limited to only two this time around,so I await my first good wine.

Reality here is something for you

Read Futher Reality

Trust that and the credit is extend indefinitely
By Chris Williamson @ portmore,St.catherine
Wednesday, March 15, 2006

I think you are a God, let me know where you are at ,so i can come and worship you. you are the best. I will kneel down before you.
By <<>> @ <<>> 

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Black on Black
Let me see how u like this u all just a bunch a stupid ass niggers. I am white u all the same trini/jamaican,niggers !!! Now fight over that u stupid ass people...
By Reality @ us  

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

A Sinners Prayer
Thank you Father for another day, I am asking you to bless Muzikmedia and all the writers and readers that use the internet. We sometimes say words that we should not use but we are not perfect. Please help us to mend our broken fences and move on. I would also like to say a special prayer for Fabo & Vincy who hate me without a cause, even though I am not perfect, I am asking you to listen to my prayer and bless them in a very special way.
By Lincoln @ Canada/Gods Land 

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

My Take
My freedom of speech has been taken so I am going to walk my Dog. When Vincy gives me permission; I will start to write again, are you happy now. Please start writing Vincy, I would like to learn your intellectual skills and substance.
By Lincoln @ Canada/Gods Land 

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Nobody Can Cow Me Dung
You might hate what I write and you can say what you want but Only Muzikmedia has my stop order.
Write up or shut Up. my freedom of speech can never be violate.
Put You Chat Forward or just read and move on.
Thanks Muzikmedia for accomodating a fool like me.Will all brains continue to use your formal channels.Leave this alone.
By Chris Williamson @ portmore,St.catherine
Tuesday, March 14, 2006

War,Not By Any chance
I was raise by the most lovely women in the world,my mom and Grandma.I have passed this on "to all the girls I have loved before" and not even in bed ,I declare any war with women.I LOVE Them too much.
Today was a reflective day,how priviliged I am.I can come on this blog and i meet you all.We curse,quarell,disagree and just plain run-off our mouth,but we all should take 10 sec of silence to all the injustice in this world.Woman & children being abused, raped and murdered.Violence all over.I cried today.
Have a Heart and just take a few moments to meditate on how Lucky and privillege you really are.

Chris still like biscuit
By Chris Williamson @ portmore,St.catherine
Tuesday, March 14, 2006

To Hatian Sensation
We all love you too come let us wine upon you. We have the long John for you. Jamaican, St. Vincent One ,Tri One all of them sharp and ready. Are you ready?
By """ @ """@""" 

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

To Hatian Sensation
We all love you too come let wine upon you. We have the long John for you. Jamaican, St. Vincent One Tri One all of them sharp and ready. Are you ready?
By """ @ """@""" 

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

lol lol lol i love all of you guys so much i can't even put in words. Jamaica, Trinidad, Guyana, Barbados, Grenada, St. Vincent, and all the other daughtrs of Africa. Haiti says SAKPASE. We coming.

One people One love
By Haitian sensation @  

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Haitian Sensation
You still can be convinced if they try harder,there is a 1% chance. Come on be a good boy now!
By """"" @ """" 

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

99% impossible
Never in life can you kneel and thank or owe thanks to somebody that you have no respect for. If the respect is non existant it's nearly impossible.Nearly impossible.
By Haitian sensation @  

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

To Vincy in NY
Without using me as a subject matter, I am going to take your advise and stop writing. Now will you start and I will do the reading, looking forward hearing from you. Please teach me how to write!
By Lincoln @ Canada/Gods Land 

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

I am not waring with any women, neither do I think Chris is, we are just shooting the sh.... yow. So how is St Vincent, send me some St. Vincent soft Yam, they are the best. I remember the 16 years old argument too, try and fallow the sequence of events that make him think that I was 16, anyway that's old story. Thanks for reading. Dont call anyone fake, because I could say Fabo is a fake too.
By Lincoln @ Canada/Gods Land 

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

I am not waring with any women, neither do I think Chris is, we are just shooting the sh.... yow. So how is St Vincent, send me some St. Vincent soft Yam, they are the best.
By Lincoln @ Canada/Gods Land 

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

lincoln you should just read dont comment
lincoln i can remember you told someone before by the name ONE BURNER that you were 16 years old when he call you a little boy because by your comments he said you were witless can you remember that? but to me it really look so.

To me most of the time u dont know what the hell u are talking about your comments are very,very,very empty. your intellectual capacity is so minute.I just want to post this comment direct only for u.

By @ vincy in ny 

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

To those two crazy men Chris And Lincoln
I wouldn't start a war with women. Am I crazy? There is no way I will win. I'm not a goddam Fool.
By Fabo @ St. Vincent, WI 

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

To those two crazy men Chris And Lincoln
Lincoln you and Chris are crazy both you are fakes.How could you start war with women and think that you could win.I'm a man and I wouldn't dream of starting with women.Chris why can't you peel your Goddam bananas.
By Fabo @ St. Vincent, WI 

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Chris Willimson (Fear Of Height or Altitude)
The Stratosphere ,Troposphere and Ionosphere are just areas(layers) for humans to explore . Your fear of height can be overcome, you have the power. My husband and I have a day-off today, but we will be going out for" Brunch "in a while, Chow.
By Confidential @ Canada/Gods Land 

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Confidential me afraid of the High -Things
Me love excitement,but no the high -things.Too much a me friend see dem a smoke the weed fe get high but me usually ave fe go fe a lada fe them raise off the ground cause them even go lay-down inna a de bed when dem dun smoke.
Hey as you said that,I took a plane to Barbados,I think the pilot's name was Cunnigham and it was lovely to have heard her voice.Some how it made a wonderful difference to hear this voice as she remind me of me mom,calm serene,aand I enjoyed the flight.
I love this when our woman sounds like woman,strong like women,and yet so gentle.

Confi,a lot of woman do not know their strenght and I am proud of you and my girlfriend also,who knows that behind that ruff skins of ours,we are one weak vessel.
The ladies in our family always challenge us at renunion and when them win they would say"Unno Man soft like porridge"
I aint no chaufer...whatever,I really Love a strong,ambitious,and determine woman.Right here beside me,not behind me,or in front of me.
By Chris Williamson @ Portmore,Jamaica
Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Hate-Shan A real Time Now
See you are privilege hate-shan,but with all those struggle,take your head out of the book now,these are manuals and guide to be of some of value to society.History has its relevance,but with 300 years of history behind you,Look ahead.Its not good to spend your time to say look how my pickney grow up now.You have done so much for america,black and yourself.Should we all still be kneeling to thank you or we still owe you?
Get some Bob Marrley hate-shan.this is the one for you."Get up Stand up."Stand up for you rights." Tiger sang a song,"Stop Cry Mon."Me no Owe Nobody except me parents and me student loan.
Thanks all Robin-Hood Hate-shan but unno naw get none a me hard earn money ,"bout unno repartriation",Get-Up.Youthman/Woman.
Me a rest me finger now.
By Chris Williamson @ Portmore,Jamaica
Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Mr. Willimson
My wife was the one that reply to you as Confedintal because she did not want to use her real name. Setting the record straight! My son also writes on line sometimes. I wont give his screen name.
By Lincoln @ Canada/Gods Land 

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Mr. Willimson
My wife was the one that reply to you as Confedintal because she did want to use her real name. Setting the record straight! My son also writes on line sometimes.
By Lincoln @ Canada/Gods Land 

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

My wife and myself reads your articles all the time, you are doing ok to me. My wife and I have different points of view however. "Democracy".
By Lincoln @ Canada/Gods Land 

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

We coming
The truth is never easy to take so even though i can continue to spread my knowlegde on the board at times i might come off as disrespectful or arrogant or too patriotic so because of this i will refrain from the oh so forgettable small talk and refer you to some sources of knowledge." The Black Jacobins" and "The Avengers of America". Peace and love.
By Haitian sensation @  

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

I have nuff talk to night
I cannot do anything to the magnitude Erica Can.
I can program in almost any computing language,I am good at computing and for my past time ,I Dj on my sound system which is totally computerised ,when I am not in a my business.Am I not a man Erica.I never be-rate any task,all I am saying women are forgetting that they are woman.Same like how woman cannot find men,we cannot find woman.But thank God for Jamaica,we have some lovely girls here.
Hey Supa You hand no tuff? hope you a use lotion,me still like the soft hand woman
By Chris Williamson @ portmore,St.catherine
Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Taking You High Chris W.
When you visit Canada Chris, I will take you on one of my "Flights" across Canada. I will show you that Women can do other things than peeling Bananas. I might be even flying you to Canada.
By Confidential @ Canada/Gods Land 

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Whew,I am Relieved?
I grew with my grand-parents and I still have the respect,"Howdy and thenk You","Good Manin","Sorry" & "Me apologise" so me glad me ago inna good hands when me come a Canada
I believe the best person for a job should get it ,but they should willing to mentor others to acquire that "best" status also.
Man alone cannot run the world .Can woman alone do so? Man /woman hunt the food,we need someone to cook/prepare it.
Me cook,Machine wash and dry,me wear mostly ready to wear,me sometimes pay someone fe tidy the house or we both do it.but should I say I do not need a woman?or should I get one who do nothing at home.
I am mesmerised,HELP,HELP,HELP!!!!!!!!
By Chris Williamson @ portmore,St.catherine
Monday, March 13, 2006

Whew,I am Relieved?
I grew with my grand-parents and I still have the respect,"Howdy and thenk You","Good Manin","Sorry" & "Me apologise" so me glad me ago inna good hands when me come a Canada
By Chris Williamson @ portmore,St.catherine
Monday, March 13, 2006

Lori,is different things we are talking Here
We are defending women rights here ,you are at the wrong spot.Lori.
There is a thing called hstory Lori and woman in you name countries are faced with many challenges.
The thing I never understand in this world is What is Right/wrong? Your views of these countries and what you want from them may seems to be right,but is it?
Einstien suggest that if men was left to grow without influence,they would be wild uncivilsed,barbaric,like tarzan.
Do you feel your influence is always correct for everyone Lori?
I will be in Canada soon Lori,Hope I will come their as a Jamaican and leave as a Jamaican
By Chris Williamson @ portmore,St.catherine
Monday, March 13, 2006

Holding Door In Canada
You can hold door for people in Canada, it is called common curtsey here. You can't be Sued, it falls under "The Good Samaritian Law".
By Lincoln @ Canada/Gods Land 

Monday, March 13, 2006

Me no love no fenkie,fenkie woman
My woman have fe can defen herself.
If a even basic self defence me a teach her.
Me a come Canada later this year.
Me last trip in england me a go thru one door,me hold it cause one woman a pass.I was scold by me friend cause if the door did fly back an lick her ,me would be sue.Hope a no so unno stay over deh?
Hope me can hold the door fe you Erica.
By Chris Williamson @ portmore,St.catherine
Monday, March 13, 2006

Women Wanted!
Why can a Black Man rule a country but you can't. Because your ignorant. Because you don't even try. Because you
think your only population are men. You guys criticize homosexualty You guys critizise homosexuals. You want a nation of men. It seems like you want to create a nation of men only. India has that and it's not a happy place.!! Where are the women in Chinea and India and Pakis5an?
By Lori @ Toronto Ontario 

Monday, March 13, 2006

maybe we need these caveman
Have you every saw a girl who breed and have 3 or more pickney.Left dem come a dance and 2 morrow we hear sey de pickney bun up inna fire?
When me go pon the mike now a daze me me sure tell them wukless gal dem fe leave the dance immed an go ome.
It deh yah,Erica.You toil,you wuk hard ,but who it a benefit? a so yu c so much man naw do nuttin.As in the begining so in the end.

Me have one ting fe sey"If you no beat you pickney,the govament tek you taxes,py police fe beat dem fe you."We need fe go back go grow we pickney.Teach dem fe kick and box predita?

bless Erika
By Chris Williamson @ portmore,St.catherine
Monday, March 13, 2006

maybe we need these caveman
Have you every saw a girl who breed and have 3 or more pickney.Left dem come a dance and 2 morrow we hear sey de pickney bun up inna fire?
When me go pon the mike now a daze me me sure tell them wukless gal dem fe leave the dance immed an go ome.
It deh yah,Erica.You toil,you wuk hard ,but who it a benefit? a so yu c so much man naw do nuttin.As in the begining so in the end.

Me have one ting fe sey"If you no beat you pickney,the govament tek you taxes,py police fe beat dem fe you."We need fe go back go grow we pickney.Teach dem fe kick and box predita?

bless Erika
By Chris Williamson @ portmore,St.catherine
Monday, March 13, 2006

Erica,You are right where I am
Certainly woman,is capable of doing what a man can do.Call me what you want.My practical circumstance is that this world is not a show its real.You know how much girls are left in the ghetto because,mother is out proving she can be a man and father is out busy being the town drunk or conquering the world.
Where are the mothers?Where areThe fathers?Where is everyone to hell?Busy as you might be doing all that stuff.Have you hug your child lately?do you have a man beside You now?Yes your answer might be but many others are there who forget their family.To much of us have to be taught by the deviants of this world.My relatives consist of a larger portion of women than man and I respect them all.
By Chris Williamson @ portmore,St.catherine
Monday, March 13, 2006

Chris - You make me sick with your male chauvenist attitutide. You behave like a caveman. I am a woman working in Toronto, Ontario, Canada as a superintendent and I plaster, do plumbing, and I mean replacing rough-ins. I also can do electrical work and wood working. I can replace parkay flooring and renovate an entire apartment. Have you ever seen the learning channel and how many things women can do?

Are you one of the men who believe that woman are not persons? You think that your a comedian? But you laugh at your own jokes. This is serious. Because if you were in Canada most women would show you what a man is? And that my friend is a slap in the face!!!

Take me on any time my friend and I will put you, to shame.


Monday, March 13, 2006

Woman Fe Be Woman
Learn some kung fu,akido,judo.or join the military or get some military training as reserve etc.But learn fe defen unno self cause predita deh every whey,even in na unno yard.
"Haitian" answer this."Why blacman can have timetable fe him war?"Why black man have one a de richest country inna the world and them still poor?"Why blackman leave physical slavery whe him could a emanicipate him self from but end up inna mental slavery"
Over to you hate -shan Me Confused
By Chris Williamson @ portmore,St.catherine
Monday, March 13, 2006

Life Choices
Yes they sold us black pople this stupid saying but we all have to make choices.The chinese teaches their young to be what they want them.If a rich person is a say a lawyer he wants is son to be at least a lawyer.We the stupid sey the Boy can be anything and most time they are nothing.Even if it kills him the rich man will make sure their child is something ,even an educated junky.
NUFF a our woman dem no good "so dem ask wey we tek dem fa"Stop being slave and talk bout you independent "Go learn fe Peel Banana"Like fe me woman
By Chris Williamson @ portmore,St.catherine
Monday, March 13, 2006

Hey Hey??????
You see you all miss the fact that we all have a purpose in life.
You all got it wrong.Peeling Bananas can mean a different thing to different people.To a prostitute its one thing from a housewife its another.But Damn all you so call "Woman".You all challenge your purpose in life to belittle Men by always asking what we take unno for.
Plain and straight,I love the american way,where by when the bills come I tear it in half and you take your "Equal"part.
You see you people are so damn educate that you fight for equallity rather than see that we all have different abilites and therefore all thought they say"you can be what you want to be"but you all never heard that life is about choice.
By Chris Williamson @ portmore,St.catherine
Monday, March 13, 2006

To Devon
Thanks for the comment, its nice to know that people like you have an opinion, even though it doesn't count as anything.
By Prophet @  

Monday, March 13, 2006

The intellectual short, something you'll never be able to fathom. Try to read what i posted before about 10 more times. Perhaps by then you'll start to understand ok.

Monday, March 13, 2006

We coming
Jamaica,Trinidad,Guyana and all the other daughters of Africa much respect to you. Don't worry. We ended physical slavery and we will end the mental one.Soon. Prophet much respect to you to.
By Haitian sensation @  

Monday, March 13, 2006

Reason for Haiti's misrepresentation
It's all because of our history. What Haiti did in 1804 destroyed the slavery in Haiti and later allowed for all you guys to become free. It's all politics people. ? did you know that Haitian soldiers fought for the U.S. to get there Independence but you would never learn this in US history class. By keeping you in the dark of such knowledge they will continue to control you people without you even knowing it. Thats why they won't let Haiti live until they sell out the country that the slaves in 1804 Won from there so called master's. Thats why they give Haiti bad image in the press and so on and so on. But if you people know Haitians you know that they will continue to fight the revolutionary war that we have been fighting since 1791.They would like us to hand the country over and live happily ever after but guess what we will continue to defy gravity.
By Haitian sensation @  

Monday, March 13, 2006

Very Good Comment from JAMGIRL thank you
Everyone who thinks that they are better than another person,eats,sleeps,shits and one day will eventually die.All that fresh you have been worshipping will become nothing,Yeh Yeh.
By Errol @ St. Vincent, WI 

Monday, March 13, 2006


Monday, March 13, 2006


Monday, March 13, 2006

To Prophet
By dEVON @ u.s. 

Monday, March 13, 2006

Mr. Economist
With regards to your assessment of me, I am not that kind of person. I am very busy working to put my son trough "Medical School" (University), also I have to be teaching him because I have been working in the field for a long time ;plus I am working at the same time. If I seems to be arragant at times; I am not; I am the most kindest person you will ever meet.
By Lincoln @ Canada/Gods Land 

Monday, March 13, 2006

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